What is the key function or interaction for your concept?
The user moves the character (Meow Meow Cat) forward through a series of coloured dots. Users are timed and are given auditory feedback for correct or incorrect moves.
How does it work?
The user taps corresponding coloured dots on the floor with their feet to those displayed on screen. A Makey Makey is used to connect the dots on the floor with the computer. A timer will be used to test how long it takes users to complete a basic level (25 dots).
What do you want to know about your prototype?
- What formation of dots is both challenging (users need to use both feet, can't press multiple dots at once) and fun (is not so hard that user gives up early on or does not want to play)
- How long it takes a user to complete a basic level (25 dots) and how that time improves over multiple goes.
How do you want IP2 to work?
- A testing computer is set-up connected to large dots on the floor through a Makey Makey device.
- Two cardboards circles (for each of the four dots) lined with alfoil are connected through a ring of sponges that make a spring. When the circle is stepped on, the sponges compress connecting the two circles and the alfoil.
- A wire is run from the bottom circle of each of the four dots to a strip of copper (connecting all the bottom circles) and then to the grounding wire attached to the Makey Makey.
- Separate wires are run from the top circle of each dot to a control on the Makey Makey. Each four colours corresponds to an arrow key.
- Dots are set-up in a set formation (two different formations will be tested)
- User stands in front of the dots ready to begin and is given verbal instruction:
- There are coloured dots on the floor in front of you
- Tap the corresponding colour dot on the floor to the screen to move your character forward
- Level ends when you reach the end of the row of dots
- There is a start button that the tester will click to begin game
- Game can end by either reaching the end of the row of dots or by pressing the 'end game' button.
- Screen includes character on far left-hand side, a row of coloured dots (four colours with patterns), timer in top left corner, 'Begin game' and 'stop' buttons on top right hand corner.
- User taps coloured dots to move character forward
- Time how long users take to reach end of row.
- Users can restart and replay as many times as they like
- User can stop play at any time
What is not included
- Winning or losing (reaching end by a certain time)
- 'Chasing the sun' part of the concept (sunshine changing colour to night time with timer)
- More than one level (and level progression)
- Written instructions/walk through
- On screen record of high scores
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